Caser, Anna

Anna Caser

Seuza Veuto
Seuza Veuto

“My images are the materialization of what gives me the urge to live, they
are my curiosity gazing outwards always enthralled and astounded by
the vital process defining all things. So many small thoughts and
nostalgic hopes as to who I am. In my structures anyone can see
human shapes or the shape of a material object or even a recollection,
some passed event, a flash of memory, distressing, unexpressed.
In the final analysis I’m really interested in the playful aspect of painting
seen as a fanciful search for a place where diverse visual codes may
meet, where new constructions may appear enmeshed with other,
more insistent pulsations. Painting is like speaking or making music.
Some people understand and others don’t. I’m interested in
communicating emotions, in the joy that comes from interpreting
shapes, patterns, transparencies, lines and contrasts. My emotions
always spring from images, never from words. My reality is enigmatic,
fleeting; it consists of relationships between those souls intent on
putting stray sentiments back into place.”  Anna Caser

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